

吉永南央 誘う森

吉永南央 「誘う森」




酒蔵って英語で「sake brewery」って言うんですね、しかも日本酒は「sake」と言うらしい。英訳して驚きました。

Nao Yoshinaga "Inviting forest"
Its outline concerns me.

Main character is that he lost his wife by suicide. Her parents run long-established sake brewery, so there are lore and customs to keep a quality of sake. She volunteered as consultor for stopping suicide, so he doubts that she suicided or not. He researches a fact of her suicide and her backward. But her sister disturbs him, for example she removes evidence he found.
He researches mystery of long-established sake brewery.

This novel is a mystery added a bit of horror. We decipher mysteries of a fact of her suicide and long-established sake brewery.
This is a fun. A fact turns over constantly, so I never tire.
There is a little horror that is an eeriness of long-established sake brewery. It is not too bad.

She writes various knowledge about sake, it is making side, not drinking side.
A conclusive factor of Sake's taste is quality of water, so they must face nature. They have many difficulties.

Although I've never read her novels, I enjoyed it naturally. I recommend this for a person who likes sake.
Thank you for reading!